Can You Lose Arm Flab With Your Thoughts?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When trying to lose arm flab, exercise and nutrition are only part of the equation. In fact, they aren't even the most important parts of the equation.

Generally speaking, most women know how to follow a sensible diet and exercise program. In this day and age we are flooded with fitness information on a daily basis.

So, the top factor that hold women back from reaching their sexy arm goal, is a poor mental strategy.

This fluctuating motivation undermined my progress for a very long time. I used to read a lot of motivational books and listened to a lot of motivational speakers. I found, however, that these sources only provided temporary motivation that would always end up fading.

My cure? Dr. David Burns. He created an outstanding method based on cognitive therapy that virtually anybody can use to change their thought processes indefinitely. After learning and applying his method, I was able to maintain high levels of motivation for very long periods of time.

And here are 3 of the said distortions that you should eliminate immediately from your internal dialogue if you want everlasting motivation:

1. Coercive statements. The "no pain no gain" attitude that pervades our culture has kept this type of cognitive distortion alive and kicking. If you find yourself saying, "I should exercise today" or "I must exercise today", stop immediately. Should and must are coercive words that will make you feel pressured and will eventually kill your desire to keep moving forward.

2. Label statements. If you mess up with your diet one day and call yourself a "loser" or a "failure", you are well on your way to motivational breakdown. The issue here is that abstract labels imply that there is something internally wrong with you. For example, how do you fix a loser or a failure? You can't because these terms are immovable and set in stone.

3. Minimization phrases. These types of phrases can turn men into mice. Why? Because when you minimize you view yourself as being much less capable than you actually are. Never doubt your ability to reach a goal until you have actually tried.

Figuring out the right mental game when trying to lose arm flab can be very hard if you are using standard self help techniques. Avoiding the above distortions will bring you many steps closer to long term motivation. - 32369

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